At Ziegler, we believe in clean energy practices and a commitment to green principles and environmental responsibility. Solar power is a natural fit. We offer solar installations on existing buildings as well as new construction for both commercial and residential applications.
When you put Ziegler to task, we will analyze your energy consumption and make recommendations to match your unique needs, which can include insulation, hot water, air conditioning and photovoltaic (PV) solar panels.
A common misconception about solar is that installations must be roof mounted. Not so. For maximum efficiency, your array must have southern exposure. However, there are many mounting alternatives, such as carport, patio and pole-mount locations, depending on your property and preferences.
For the Earth, it means reduced power plants and cleaner air and water. For you, it means:
Plus, solar electric system maintenance is very low — typically an annual inspection of electrical connections and a panel wash. All Ziegler systems are designed for simple, long-term benefits.
We’ll be happy to help you understand all the great, energy- and cost-saving solar options that are available to you. Call 407-245-8765.
Schedule an appointment at 407-245-8765 or complete this online form